

The Editors invite submissions of original research focused on the English language, including both modern and historical periods. JEngL normally publishes research on the English language in areas like historical linguistics, corpus linguistics, sociolinguistics, and dialectology. Topics in language contact, language ideology, pidgins/creoles, discourse analysis, or stylistics are also welcome if the article focuses on the English language. JEngL does not publish research with an ESL/EFL focus unless the work has clear relevance to broader scholarship in English linguistics.

Submissions are accepted through our online submission site:
  • Prepare submissions according to the JEngl Style Sheet, the Unified Style Sheet for linguistics, and the Chicago Manual of Style (16th ed.)
  • A general (not absolute) guideline for length of submissions is 8,000-10,000 words, including notes, references, figures, and tables (with figures and tables counting as approximately 250 words each).
  • Assure that the manuscript is anonymous to facilitate double-blind peer review. In addition to obscuring authors' identities, please remove acknowledgements and institutional affiliations that might compromise anonymity. If a manuscript is accepted for publication, there will be opportunity to reinsert all such references.
  • Use endnotes, not footnotes.
  • Include an abstract of no more than 150 words.
  • Our submission system cannot currently handle animations or dynamic graphics intended for web publication. Please submit only static files.
The review process is usually complete in three to four months. You will receive an email from the editors notifying you of their decision as soon as it is available. You may check the progress of your submission through your Manuscript Central account. You may also inquire its status by email at


The Journal of English Linguistics reviews titles in general and historical linguistics, language variation, sociolinguistics, and dialectology by invitation. Unsolicited reviews are not considered. Correspondence regarding reviews should be sent to the Book Review Editor, stamasi @ LearnLink.Emory.Edu. Publishers may send books for review to the Book Review Editor at:
Susan Tamasi, Book Review Editor
Modern Languages, 208
532 Kilgo Circle
Emory University
Atlanta, GA 30316

Special Issues

Topical collections of articles appropriate to JEngL occasionally appear as special issues (up to approximately 100 pages). Proposals for special issues of JEngL should be sent to the Editors. Special issues typically focus on a particular issue, theoretical innovation, or methodology. Contributions should be closely linked and be fully illustrated with particular examples from original empirical research where relevant.

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The Journal of English Linguistics (ISSN 0075-4242) is published quarterly--in March, June, September, and December--by Sage Publications:
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